Friday, November 5, 2010

Day one - Week one.

Well, this is it! First day of the first week of my goal to get in shape! This post may be a little longer than what my usual posting format will work out to be, only because I thought I'd post a current picture of myself, my height and weight and some other things! I'll try to post daily about what I do, but at the very least will be once a week and on the first day of each week I'll update with my stats and a new picture!

So, as you can see, I started off today with playing my drums! I haven't been playing as much as I'd like to, so I figure now is a perfect time to start playing more! I feel like it's a good way to warm up and get my heart beating faster, which it sure did! I may or may not have danced around my room, also. (; Maybe I'll work up the nerve to post a revealing body picture to show you what I'm really working with!

As for my stats:
I am 21 years old, I am 6' tall and I am starting this blog weighing 220 pounds. Up until today, my activity level has been pretty low. I move around the house a little bit, up and down the stairs and sometimes a short bike ride, but that was about it.

I've been doing some research and I think I'm going to start with some light cardio. I found a great video on youtube, and it also appears that the man who made it has also written a book! Might be something worth looking into. This is the video:
I'll probably run through this two or three times today. I'll also be cleaning the house, playing my drums some more and going for a mile or two bike ride! I think what's important right now, more than anything is getting into the habit of moving and staying active. If you're reading this and starting on your journey also, you  may want to check out youtube for some more great examples! Just do what you can for now, that's what I'm doing. It's okay if you feel a little silly doing it, too! I sure do. (:

This post is getting a little lengthy, so I'm going to leave it at that for now. I'll probably have an update for you tomorrow! I encourage anyone to leave comments to let me know there is at least one soul out there reading. :P

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